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What are pdo threads
What are pdo threads


Especially if you are powerlifting or lifting weights. It’s best to avoid alcohol and alcoholic beverages for 14 days after your surgery.įor 10-12 days after your surgery avoid heavy and intense workouts as they tend to elevate your heart rate and blood pressure. As the purpose of your PDO thread lift is to remove these lines, drinking alcohol after the procedure just seems counterproductive. If you have addiction issues, consult with your regular doctor or physician to refer you to specialists who will help you quit this addictive habit before your PDO thread lift procedure.Īlcohol is by default bad for your health and it causes lines and wrinkles on your face.


As previously stated during the preparation phase, cigarettes cause puffy eyes and increase the glabellar lines on your skin which defeats the purpose of your thread lift procedure. Some of the creams that are used in these facials may contain certain strong chemicals and ingredients that may react adversely to your sensitive skin which is still recovering from the thread lift procedure.įor about 2-3 weeks post your thread lift procedure, do not chew gum as it you will experience slight discomfort from all the chewing.Ĭigarettes and alcohol are inherently bad for you and your health, avoiding consuming them post your surgery. Avoid Facials, Massages, And Spa TreatmentsĪvoid facial massages as they involve applying too much pressure on your face, which will result in the breakage of the sutures.Is best you avoid makeup after your surgery. This may cause some of the sutures to break. When you do your makeup, you tend to apply too much pressure on your face. Wearing makeup after your PDO thread lift procedure is best to be avoided, as those cosmetics contain a lot of synthetic chemicals that damage your skin’s natural microbiome ( 8). By sleeping in these positions you add a tremendous amount of pressure to your face which may hamper your recovery. Avoid Sleeping On Your Stomach or On Your SidesĪvoid is sleeping on your stomach with your face buried into the pillow or sleeping on your sides.PDO Thread Lift Aftercare And Recovery Tips The entire procedure will be completed in a span of 45-60 minutes.Depending on which direction the lift is required, the thread is then pulled and tethered to the anchor point in that direction to lift that area.Once the anchors are ready, the thread is then inserted into the needles from one end to the other.Needles are inserted at marked points forming anchors for the thread to be inserted.Once these markings have been done, the surgeon begins the PDO lift procedure by inserting the threads using hollow needles.With the help of a pencil or marker lines and markings are made to indicate the insertion points, exit points, and tethering points.In the case where long sutures are being used, local anesthetic cream such as lidocaine cream along with a 1/200,00 shot of Epinephrine will also be used.If in case your surgery is using short sutures, the area which is being lifted is cleaned with a surgical alcohol swab and a local anesthetic such as lidocaine cream is applied.The surgeon will then sanitize themselves and the equipment being used and begin preparing you for the surgery.Once the antibiotics have kicked in, you will be moved from the preparation room to the operating room.Before your surgery begins, your surgeon will prescribe a few antibiotics that you need to take at least an hour before your surgery.In some cases, this may last for 3-4 weeks, although it does not prevent you from performing any of your daily activities ( 5). It to be a non-serious complication as it does not require any treatment. This is caused due to the bruising of the skin or bleeding from layers that are underneath the skin which leads to the discoloration of the skin. Another reason why dimpling occurs is when people have thin skin, in these cases, the threads are inserted further deep into the layers of the skin.


This can be resolved with the help of manual therapy to the face to release the tension of the cogs and reintroducing sutures at appropriate depths ( 4). Skin dimpling is appearance dents on your face if the cogs of the thread used are not strong enough or are not placed deep enough. However, the pain will subside in a week’s time ( 3). One of the most common complications or rather complaints reported by the patients post the procedure is them experiencing pain in and around the areas that have been lifted.

What are pdo threads